1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Erysipelas



Streptococcus pyogenes (group A Streptococcus) is the usual etiologic agent of erysipelas. Symptoms and signs of erysipelas are chills, fever, a well-demarcated, erythematous, indurated, rapidly spreading patch with a palpable advancing border on the face or extremities. This disease most frequently affects infants, small children and the elderly.

化脓性链球菌(A 组链球菌)是丹毒的常见病原体。丹毒的症状和体征是发冷、发热、边界清楚、红斑、硬结、迅速扩散的斑块,在面部或四肢有可触及的推进边界。这种疾病最常影响婴儿、小孩和老人。

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