1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Varicocele (VC)

Varicocele (VC)精索静脉曲张


Varicocele (VC) is an enlargement phenomenon of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds the testicles (scrotum). These veins transport oxygen-depleted blood from the testicles, a varicocele occurs when blood pools in the veins rather than circulating efficiently out of the scrotum.

精索静脉曲张 (VC) 是睾丸 (阴囊) 松弛皮肤袋内静脉增大的现象。这些静脉从睾丸输送缺氧的血液,当血液聚集在静脉中而不是有效地从阴囊中循环出来时,就会发生精索静脉曲张。

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