1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Autophagy
  3. Atg4


Autophagy-related 4

Atg4 is the sole cysteine protease among dozens of Atg proteins and functions as an essential factor in the Atg8 conjugation system. While only one Atg4 is present in yeast, there are four Atg4 homologues (Atg4A, Atg4B, Atg4C, and Atg4D) in human and in mouse with different substrate specificities and catalytic efficiencies. Atg4 cleaves Atg8 at the peptide bond on the glycine residue at the C-terminus, thus allowing the conjugation of Atg8 to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) with the participation of other autophagy molecules. Atg4 can also serve as a deconjugating enzyme, which cleaves the amide bond of the conjugated Atg8 and releases it from the autophagosomal membrane. The latter step is important for reusing Atg8 upon autophagy completion. Moreover, this deconjugation process may also occur on isolation membrane, which would positively or negatively affect membrane formation.

Atg4 相关产品 (6):

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-125169
    NSC 185058 Inhibitor 99.52%
    NSC 185058 是一种 ATG4B 抑制剂。ATG4B 是一种主要的半胱氨酸蛋白酶 (cysteine protease)。NSC185058 抑制 ATG4B 从而显著减弱自噬 (autophagic) 活性。
    NSC 185058
  • HY-112818
    S130 99.43%
    S130 是一种高亲和力、选择性的半胱氨酸蛋白酶 ATG4B 的抑制剂, IC50 值为 3.24 µM。S130 可以抑制自噬通量。
  • HY-112711
    LV-320 是一种有效且非竞争性的 ATG4B 抑制剂,其 IC50 值为 24.5 μM,Kd 值为 16 μM。 LV-320 抑制 ATG4B 的酶促活性,阻断细胞自噬,并且在体内稳定,无毒且有活性。
  • HY-W287569
    STK683963 99.41%
    STK683963 是细胞 ATG4B 活性的强激活剂。STK683963 可以作为细胞中 ATG4B 氧化还原调节的介质。STK683963 可用于癌症研究。
  • HY-144636
    Atg4B-IN-2 98.03%
    Atg4B-IN-2 是一种有效的竞争性 Atg4B 抑制剂,Ki 为 3.1 μM,也具有降低 PLA2 的抑制能力,对 Atg4B 和 PLA2IC50 分别为 11 μM 和 3.5 μM。Atg4B-IN-2 通过细胞自噬 (autophagy) 来增强抗去势抗性前列腺癌活性分子的抗癌活性。
  • HY-163193
    MJO445 Inhibitor
    MJO445 (Compound 7) 是一种 ATG4B 抑制剂,能够抑制胶质母细胞瘤细胞自噬。