1. Gene
  2. INSL5 - insulin like 5 Gene

INSL5 - insulin like 5 Gene

中文名称:胰岛素样 5

种属: Homo sapiens

同用名: PRO182; UNQ156

基因 ID: 10022 | 基因类型: protein coding

关于 INSL5

Cytogenetic location: 1p31.3 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 1:66,797,740-66,801,276 (from NCBI)

This gene has 1 transcript (splice variant), 106 orthologues and 1 paralogue. Restricted expression toward colon (RPKM 81.8).


该基因编码的蛋白质包含胰岛素超家族的经典特征,与松弛素 3 (RLN3/INSL7) 高度相似。[RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月]

The protein encoded by this gene contains a classical signature of the Insulin superfamily and is highly similar to relaxin 3 (RLN3/INSL7). [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

INSL5 基因产物(1)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_005478.6 NP_005469.2 insulin-like peptide INSL5 precursor

INSL5 蛋白结构


Insulin: Insulin/IGF/Relaxin family (27 - 135)

  • 0
  • 100
  • 135 a.a.
蛋白主名 其他名称

insulin-like peptide INSL5

insulin-like peptide 5


种属 基因名 来源 基因 ID
Macaca mulatta INSL5 VGNC VGNC:106389
Mus musculus INSL5 MGD MGI:1346085
Bos taurus INSL5 VGNC VGNC:55239
Rattus norvegicus INSL5 RGD RGD:7747960